Friday, March 13, 2009

Whats up with Ains!

Ainsley is growing to be such a cute little girl! She is making amazing strides in her development...

*Ainsley is speaking in 6 - 7 word sentences regularly.
*Ainsley has begun signing voice off to peers and other deaf adults.
*Ainsley tested at age 4 1/2 for visual reasoning.
*Fine motor and gross motor skills are right at age level.
*She always wants to be "Ainsley first"... meaning she wants to do everything herself first and only when she gets stuck does she ask for help.
*Ainsley is making some great friends in both of her schools.
*Potty training is going well. We did have a set back during a bout of the stomach flu, but we're getting back to where we were pre-sick.


Jordana said...

Oh how I love your brilliant babies!

Team Williams said...

Mrs. Meck, Ainsley is sooooo smart, she is already making inferences! This is to cute!

Sheri Williams