Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Turkey Day!

We're stuffed!  We were blessed to have two Thanksgiving feasts and we were ever so grateful for both.  

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Dagny reading...

Ainsley experiments with the piano :-).


A much needed trip with some great friends!  All of the kids loved their time together as well and spent most of their time running and running and running....taking breaks to eat or watch the sunset or roll down the hill or scream or run some more.

4 years later....

2008 election....

2012 election....

Election night... the kids didn't make it to see the country go blue, but mom and dad did!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Happy Halloween!

This year due to hurricane Sandy we didn't have a school parade, but luckily the storm didn't disrupt 'Trick or Treating' that night at home.  Though the costumes might look the same... it is a different year :-)!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Happy Birthday Mommy

The girls send me a special birthday message!

CIs and Sibs

A fun day out with our CI kiddos and their siblings!

The McSchnits!

We were so fortunate to have the McSchnits make the drive down to South Bend for the day.  It was wonderful seeing everyone.  They have grown so much!

South Bend!

We were super excited to drive to South Bend to see family we haven't seen in many years.  We all met in South Bend to celebrate Grandpa Joe's 70th birthday.  The girls had a blast and can't wait to get with all of their cousins soon.

Happy Birthday Grandpa Joe!