Sunday, February 21, 2016

McKinley Science Fair 2016

The girls were both able to work and present at the 2016 McKinley Science Fair. They had a great time learning about the Scientific Method, thinking up their experiments and putting together their board. they both did a fantastic job.

Father - Daughter dance 2016

Karl and Dagny were able to attend the 2016 father-daughter dance and had a great time. they hung at the dance for a little bit and then had smores. They can't wait until next year.

Snowpocalypse 2016

The photos just don't do it justice - in late January 2016 we had a snow that dumped over 2 feet of snow....the drifts were over 4 feet and school was cancelled for over a week. We had a really great week but we were really ready for the girls to go back to school.

X-mas 2015 - Tradition

As is our tradition we made out way to Florida for Xmas but not before Santa visited us at our house. Per usual the girls got everything they asked for, and then some, and we had a great time at the beach with family.

Thanksgiving 2015 - Chicago Bound

This year for Thanksgiving (weather dependent) we decided to drive to Chicago for a little McSchnit time. Luckily the weather was fantastic.   We hung out, went to a trampoline park and saw Christmas Carol and we had a great time.

2015 Fall Play - McKinley E.S.

Twice a year McKinley puts on a play that you have to try out for and this fall Dagny made the cut and helped put on a fantastic show.

Warriors...Come Out and Plaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy!

In September Karl travelled up to NYC to meet Erik and Larry for a Warriors movie reunion of sorts at Coney Island and although Ajax couldn't join they still had a great time and saw Swan, Cleon, Cochise, Rembrandt and Snow. there was also some awesome cosplay.....some took it really serious.

4th Grade Trip - Williamsburg

At McKinley ES, each year the 4th graders travel to Williamsburg and Jamestown as part of their Virginia History module. Karl 'volunteered' and had a great time as well.