Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas in the sun :-)!!!

Melissa was in heaven as she basked in the 70 degree weather of southern California. The perfect remedy for a sunsick mommy on the east coast. She was not dreaming of a white Christmas, rather a sunny Christmas :-)!!! Ainsley also enjoyed the weather as she was able to swing on the playground without freezing her nose off!

Since we forgot ALL of our cameras (we are blaming the number of items we had to bring for Ainsley), we are hoping we receive some pictures that Melissa's cousins took to add to the two pics following.

Ainsley's first time at the beach. Not a real fan of SAND. The water was too cold to try her out on that one, we'll definitely have to take her to beach this summer.

OOOPS!!! It's a GIRL (we think)...

Yes... Melissa had her 2nd ultra sound on the 27th and this set of pictures showed a girl. However, it could not be confirmed a second time because the babys legs were closed when the tech went back to it (figures!). We did get all of pics that we need and everything looks great. We may be headed back in the 3rd trimester for a 3rd ultra sound and hopefully we'll get another chance at "guess the sex of the baby"!!!

Here is another US pic of the profile...

Christmas comes early!

Before taking the 5 hour flight to the west coast to spend Christmas (which was wonderful) we had an early Christmas with family on the east coast. West coast pics will be coming shortly, but for now enjoy these...

Ainsley trying on her fuzzy hat and paws. These will help her stay warm while making her look extra cute!

Mommy and Ainsley reading one of her new books from Chique and Popeye.

We finally have some pictures of Ainsley signing. Here are mommy, daddy and eat.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Congratulations Karl!!!

On Tuesday December 11th Karl will attend his final class for his MBA! Yeah!!! He will walk in the Spring, however, they did have a reception for all of those August and December grads... pics below...


Yes, Melissa, Karl and Ainsley are expecting an addition to their family at the end of April. You can expect the same polls, questionaires and graphs put out by the dad towards the beginning of next year. In the mean time, however, enjoy the first pic of the little one... a boy, we think :-)

The baby waving for the camera...