Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Easter!

Give me those Easter Eggs!

The girls enjoying their time with their baskets

Enjoying a pre-brunch beverage

Girls all dressed up

Receiving instruction from Chiqui...ready to eat

All full Dagny ready for some nap time

Preparing for Easter

In prep for Easter, we thought it would a great idea to make cookies and dye eggs!

Dad pointing out the finer points to egg-dying

Putting all that knowledge to practice

No Ainsley - that's for making cookies

Dagny really wanted some!

Rolling out the dough like a pro

Making cookies with Ainsley and Dagny

My turn...you're hogging the cookie cutters

1 month until she is 1!

Updates on our almost 1 year old...

*She is babbling a lot with her mouth and hands.
*Dagny love to giggle when she is happy and throw herself on the floor when she is mad.
*She has taken 2 - 3 steps on her own.
*She is pretty much done with baby food and prefers to feed herself.
*Dagny loves her sisters bed. She'll crawl on it and do a face plant into the pillow.

Here are some cute pictures of our almost 1 year old :-)...

Bath time in the sink.

Saturday, April 04, 2009


Now that the weather is finally warming up, we've been able to go outside more and run around.

Ainsley running down the sidewalk.

Giving mommy some love :-)!

Dagny practicing walking.

Larry plays house :-)!

It was wonderful to see Larry... the girls had a great time!

We'll miss you Larry!!!

Running around the hotel where we met Larry. It was the same hotel we stayed at when we 1st visited DC 8 years ago.

The girls with Karl and Larry.

Play time!

He even helped out with bath time!

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Dagny Update!!!

We finally had Dagny's check up and she is doing very well.

*She is in the 50th percentile for head and length.
*Dagny 17 1/2 pounds, still a skinny minny...
*Only 2 teeth still, her cousin is about to beat her on # of teeth, he is already bigger then her.
*She loves to walk (holding onto hands of course), climb stairs and open and shut baby gates.
*Dagny is a big fan of ice cream and crackers, specifically white cheddar cheez-its.
*She is such a happy little baby... such a doll!

Recently we got another set of semi-professional pictures.


Isn't she sweet...

Poor little girl...