Sunday, October 29, 2006

... another month older!

Today Ainsley reached 5 months! I can't believe time has gone by so fast.

Interesting facts...

Ainsley is on her way to sitting up without help. She can sit up, slightly hunched over for a little bit with out falling over.

She starts school this week at KDES/Gallaudet. For those of you who don't know, KDES/Gallaudet is a school that works with children with a hearing impairment which Ainsley has. She just got her hearing aids and you can see them in some of the pictures below.

She is adapting really well to her hearing aids and does seem to recognize some sound when they are turned on.

She can support most of her weight by standing up.

She loves her bumbo chair, and bouncers.

Tummy time goes better, but she only sometimes remembers how to roll over.

She'll start on cereal in about 2 weeks.

She loves to talk and go to different places.

She loves her bath time! She now splashes and plays more while in the sink.

Enjoy the pictures...

Ainsley loves her bumbo chair and eating her elephant.

Already she has a fascination with credit cards.

Much like her father, Ainsley is often caught with her foot in her mouth (literal or figurative).

Ainsley helps decorate for Halloween!

Ainsley all decked out for Halloween. It is supposed to be really nice here over Halloween so hopefully we'll get some "Trick or Treating" time in before her bed time :-).

Love and miss you all!

Friday, October 13, 2006

Watch out for the Wind :-)...

Not a reference to Ainsley, but rather our recent trip to Chicago! Over Columbus day weekend Ainsley met her younger cousin Faelyn. We all had a great time and took wonderful pics of all 6 of us... hope you enjoy!

Aren't they cute in the Pumpkin Hats!

Mommies and babies...

two "things" :-) hangin' out

Daddies and daughters...

You can also check out more pictures from our trip at