Thursday, December 28, 2006

Welcome 2007!!!

Happy New Year!

Karl, Ainsley and I needed a way to end the wonderful year of 2006 and embrace the newness of 2007. 2007 will be a busy year with the planned purchase of a new home, Ainsley finishing up her 1st year in school, her Cochlear Implant surgery and rehabilitation, and everything else we don't know about yet :-)!

To R aned R, we thought we would try a getaway weekend in Berkeley Springs. The town had some "character" but the spa and mineral springs were perfect. Here are some pictures from the trip.

We had some time to walk through the town and capture these pictures.

This made us laugh :-).

We had dinner on New Years Eve at a wonderful restaurant with a beautiful view.

Merry Christmas!

Ainsley's 1st Christmas was filled with excitment and adventure.

First her Aunt Stacey and Uncle Chris came for a visit and to spoil her.

Ainsley was busy all morning opening gifts.

Thank you Santa...

On Christmas all of us made a trip to NYC to see the sights and have dinner with my Aunt and Cousins.

Enjoying a cup of coffee.

What a big tree!

Showing Ains where mommy and daddy used to work.

Meeting up with Larry for a very quick visit.

I didn't get any digital pictures of dinner or any pictures with Ainsley and her Great Aunt and Cousins, however, as soon as I get hard copies sent to me (hint hint) will post them. It was great seeing you guys and hopefully we will see you soon.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

December Update...

Our 6 month appointment is rather late, but here are the updates...

* Ainsley has grown 2 (now 26) inches since her last appointment keeping her in the 90th percentile in length.

* Ainsley has an even bigger head and has moved into the 75th percentile in head circumference.

* Ainsley gained wieght, but not enough to keep her in the 50th percentile, she moved to the 25th. When she gets her 2nd flu shot the doctor will also check her wieght.

* Ainsley is sitting up like a pro, and so not rolling over isn't a concern (however I think she is very close!).

* Ainsley is to get food 2 times a day now and we can experiment with any and all foods.

* Ainsley still doesn't like shots.

Also, Ainsley took some Christmas photos for her 1st Christmas that will take place in just a few days!

New video footage... Ainsley, solid foods take 2!

Christmas BLOG update coming soon...

Thursday, November 30, 2006

We've Got Teeth!!!

At 6 months we have two little front teeth. I think Ainsley got some inspiration from her cousin Sam who had a tiny tooth when we saw her and her parents on Sunday. Our 6 month appointment is a little late, so the plethora of information will have to wait until Christmas. However, there are some great new photos of the visit with her Aunt, Uncle and cousin, some great photos with mom and dad and her first report card! Hope you enjoy...

Her 1st Report Card... as you can see she is devleoping ahead of her age! Is that really a surprise??? :-)

Here are the girls with Aunty Jo and Uncle Steve.

..add in Uncle Karl (dad to Ainsley).

Aunt Joanna, Uncle Steve and Aunt Melissa hanging out with the babies.
Steve has a better picture of the 6 of us, we'll post it as soon as we get it emailed to us... hint hint :-)

Steve with Sam and Melissa with Ainsley.

I like food...

Pictures in the park...

Ainsley playing...

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Pumpkin hats...

The fabulous fall :-), aren't the colors on the east coast beautful... Here are some pictures in pumpkin hats that the McSchnits got for us. Aren't they perfect for the fall!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

... another month older!

Today Ainsley reached 5 months! I can't believe time has gone by so fast.

Interesting facts...

Ainsley is on her way to sitting up without help. She can sit up, slightly hunched over for a little bit with out falling over.

She starts school this week at KDES/Gallaudet. For those of you who don't know, KDES/Gallaudet is a school that works with children with a hearing impairment which Ainsley has. She just got her hearing aids and you can see them in some of the pictures below.

She is adapting really well to her hearing aids and does seem to recognize some sound when they are turned on.

She can support most of her weight by standing up.

She loves her bumbo chair, and bouncers.

Tummy time goes better, but she only sometimes remembers how to roll over.

She'll start on cereal in about 2 weeks.

She loves to talk and go to different places.

She loves her bath time! She now splashes and plays more while in the sink.

Enjoy the pictures...

Ainsley loves her bumbo chair and eating her elephant.

Already she has a fascination with credit cards.

Much like her father, Ainsley is often caught with her foot in her mouth (literal or figurative).

Ainsley helps decorate for Halloween!

Ainsley all decked out for Halloween. It is supposed to be really nice here over Halloween so hopefully we'll get some "Trick or Treating" time in before her bed time :-).

Love and miss you all!

Friday, October 13, 2006

Watch out for the Wind :-)...

Not a reference to Ainsley, but rather our recent trip to Chicago! Over Columbus day weekend Ainsley met her younger cousin Faelyn. We all had a great time and took wonderful pics of all 6 of us... hope you enjoy!

Aren't they cute in the Pumpkin Hats!

Mommies and babies...

two "things" :-) hangin' out

Daddies and daughters...

You can also check out more pictures from our trip at

Saturday, September 30, 2006

4 Months Old!

Ainsley turned 4 months on the 29th of September, 1 day after her moms 29th birthday. She has grown quite a bit since May 29th. She is now 25 1/4 inches and 14 lbs 3 oz. She is chewing on anything she can get her hands on, which tells us that teething is just around the corner. She has rolled over from her tummy to her back several times, but recently has seemed to forget how :-). She has also rolled over to her tummy a couple of times with help. She has found her feet and is close to putting her feet in her mouth (dad can't wait!!!). She also smiles and laughs a lot, though its hard to get a picture of her smile, and the ones we have gotten don't do it justice.

Enjoy the pictures...

Finally, a smile!

Ainsley and MacKenzie have a play date...

They had a rough day :-)

Chillin' on the couch.

Another smile - What a happy baby!

Gotta wear shades.

Daddy and daughter.

Mommy and baby.

Playing with the dogs ears.

Ridem' cowgirl...