Saturday, March 14, 2009

Friends at school!

Below are pictures taken from The River School.

Aurimas and Ainsley playing doctor... their last theme.

Ainsley and Aurimas reading book together...

Here is Ainsley and her friend Violet. They have such a sweet relationship

Taking turns playing doctor.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Sisters at play!

Silly girls...

Its his own fault...

Ainsley's first pony...

Reading time...

We wanted to post a conversation in ASL, but Ainsley is often reserved once the video camera is turned on... this is mommy and Ains reading a book (well a page or two) voice off.

Loving mommy's hair????

Both girls love when mommy hides behind her hair... weird... they must get this from daddy.

Whats up with Ains!

Ainsley is growing to be such a cute little girl! She is making amazing strides in her development...

*Ainsley is speaking in 6 - 7 word sentences regularly.
*Ainsley has begun signing voice off to peers and other deaf adults.
*Ainsley tested at age 4 1/2 for visual reasoning.
*Fine motor and gross motor skills are right at age level.
*She always wants to be "Ainsley first"... meaning she wants to do everything herself first and only when she gets stuck does she ask for help.
*Ainsley is making some great friends in both of her schools.
*Potty training is going well. We did have a set back during a bout of the stomach flu, but we're getting back to where we were pre-sick.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

We've reached double digits!

Dagny is 10 months old! We are amazed that time has gone by so quickly. Here are some recent updates on what she is up to.

*Dagny is starting to cruise and practices her balance letting go for a bit and taking steps when we hold on to her hands.
*Dagny loves table food, especially the few carbs she has been able to get a hold of.
*She is banging objects together, looking for hidden objects and putting most everything she can get a hold of in her mouth.
*We've started her on a sippy cup, but right now she enjoys chewing on it more then just drinking from it.
*She is making lots of noises and some babbling, we are taking bets for what her first word will be.
*Dagny is doing a lot of expression with her hands, but not signing yet... we're hoping soon.

Enjoy the video...

Playing with Legos.

Taking a few steps.

Hanging out at the table.

Trying desperately to get through the gate!

YES!! I made it!!