Sunday, March 13, 2011

Dagny sleeping

This is how Dagny falls asleep...

Fairies by Ainsely

Ainsley is becoming a skilled visual artist as she replicates her favorite subjects, the Disney Fairies.

Can you find Tinkerbell, Vidia, Fawn, Rosetta, Silvermist, and Iredessa (sad that we know these right!)?

River School Auction

The only picture we have from that night, but we had a GREAT time! The event raised hundreds of thousands for the scholarship fund and Melissa had the BEST $12 Mohito ever (sorry Chris :-)!

Melissa and her co-teacher Jeanne "Speakeasying" it.

Laurie Berkner Concert!

Daddy and Ainsley had a fun adventure going to the Laurie Berkner concert!

Dagny's sick day!

Dagny had a fever at school and couldn't return for a day... so she had a fun day off!

Posing with her puppy!

The poor unicorn...

Our tap dancer...

Trip to the park

It finally warmed up enough to go to the park. This girls missed it and can't wait for warmer weather!

A puggle comes to visit!

Over Presidents Day weekend we had a wonderful visitor! The girls really missed Lucy after her mommy and daddy got home.