Monday, July 14, 2008

Dagny reaches 2 months!!!

A healthy 2 month old (we can't believe it), Dagny also survived her 2 month appointment. We have decided to change her vaccination schedule a little, so she only had two this appointment... however, it was still hard on mom and dad.

Here are Dagny's stats...

*Dagny is 23 1/4 inches long putting her in the 75th percentile.
*She is 12.4 lbs putting her in the 75th percentile in weight.
*Her head is 15 3/4 inches putting her in (wait for it :-)... the 75th percentile!
*Dagny is smiling and cooing and bringing her hands together.
*She has attacked the monkey on her play gym (just like her sister, the monkey taunts her).
*Tummy time is going better, though mom and dad need to make more of effort to put her on her tummy to play.

Enjoy the videos!

Dagny enjoys her first time in the pool while we were in Seaside

Dagny doing her best to stay up...with some help.

Ainsley is 2!

A little late, yes, but Ainsley passed her 2 year appointment with flying colors. For the 1st time she was weighed using a regular scale and was measured standing up (due to this Karl thinks she measured a little short since her head was bent over a little). She had a stack of paperwork for the doctor to fill out. We are hoping she doesn't need a TB shot and have postponed her Hep A vaccine due to a slightly raised temperature.

Here are her stats...

*Her height is 34 1/4 inches, the 75th percentile.
*Ainsley now weighs 27.8 lbs, the 50th - 75th percentile.
*Her head circumference is 19 1/4 inches the 75th percentile.
*She is your average toddler bringing with her an array of finicky eating, temper tantrums and an opposition to sleeping.
*She is your average toddler bringing with her so much joy and pride when she accomplishes something, so much excitement for the world and everything in it and so much love for the people and animals around her!

Enjoy the videos...
Ainsley and Faelyn enjoying some fun at breakfast.

Ainsley loving the beach...finally!


As Dagny turned 2 months we took our 2nd trip this summer to visit friends and family in Wyoming! The girls were wonderful travelers, driving over 1000 miles through WY.

First stop... CODY!

Cody was amazing and Ainsley loved seeing horses, cows, and other live animals on the Keith ranch. Thanks to Marisa and Robert for a wonderful time. Karl even got to go hiking, something he hasn't done in a while.

Enjoy the pics...

The view from our cabin.

Daddy and Ainsley down by the river.

Marisa and Ains.

Dagny takes a nap.

Ainsley, Tootsie and Tug... she LOVED the dogs! Daddy really needs to get her one.

Marisa shows Ainsley her horse, Pauncho

Ainsley walks in grass as tall as her.

The four of us with Pauncho.

Next stop... ROCK SPRINGS!

Not as picturesque and relaxing as Cody, but just as wonderful. Ainsley and Faelyn were the best of friends and we were able to spend time with family we hadn't seen in a while. Grandpa Rudy had most of his whole clan there (a bit overwhelming I am sure) and the three brothers got to hang out together, something they haven't done since our wedding.

Enjoy the pics...

All 4 generations!

Aunt Sara and Ainsley.

Uncle Martin with the toddlers.

Grandpa Rudy with Dagny.

Ainsley and Faelyn taking a break watching Signing Time.

Ainsley and Faelyn playing in the sand box.


We had a wonderful time in Seaside, Florida! So many firsts for our little girls. Ainsley had a great time with the boys (that is what she calls Hunter and Adam) and Dagny loved the warm balmy weather (definitely her mommys girl :-)...

Firsts for the girls -

*First time in the Gulf of Mexico for both Dagny and Ainsley.
*First time in Florida for both Dagny and Ainsley.
*First time playing in the sand for Ainsley.
*First time on a plane for Dagny.
*First time swimming in a pool for Dagny.

Enjoy the pictures...

Karl, Dagny, Ainsley and Melissa in Seaside.

Stacey, Chris, Adam and Hunter in Seaside.

Stacey holds Dagny.

Chris and Ainsley walkin' around.

Daddy and his girls chillin' at the beach :-)

Mommy takes Dagny swimmin' for the first time.

Popeye and Hunter at the beach.

Chiqui, Hunter and Adam.

Dagny is all smiles :-)

Ainsley gets excited seeing the water for the first time.

Ainsley tries chips and salsa.

Dagny relaxin' at the beach.

The plane ride :-)... daddy has it easy!

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

JC Penny Pics, Part 2...

As with Ainsley, Dagny took her semi-professional pics at JC Penny. She held up pretty well and no poopy diaper like her sister :-)!

Enjoy the pics...