Sunday, June 06, 2010

Thank you Grandpa Joe and Grandma Norma!!!

Thanks to Grandpa Joe and Grandma Norma we had a wonderful stay on the beach with them, all 4 of us and Aunt Stacey, Uncle Chris and Caiden.

The girls loved morning walks to the pier to get donuts!

The cousins walking together :-).

Playing in the sand.

Dagny loved the sand.

Grandma Norma with the little ones... Dagny's not so sure about the water.


Jordi and Jennifer also came for a visit!!!

Ainsley loved playing with Jordi on the beach and in the water!

The family out to dinner for Chris' birthday at the Old Spaghetti Factory.

Walking the beach...

Aunt Stacey and Caiden on the beach.

Mommy and Dagny on the beach.

Ainsley's footprint.

Dagny's footprint.


We couldn't go to So CA without stopping at Disneyland!

First stop... to see the Princesses!!! Like cousins Sam and Elsa, the hour plus wait was definitely worth it.

Waiting in line...

Small World was a favorite... we rode it twice!

Riding Dumbo! Ainsley had to have the pink one and Dagny the yellow.

Its about nap time... Dagny and Caiden both fell asleep in their strollers while Ainsley went with Daddy and Uncle Chris to Matterhorn and Big Thunder Mountain.

In Critter Country on the Winnie the Pooh ride.

The cousins...

A stop to show the girls Grandpa Meck's window on Main Street.

Knotts Berry Farm

We had to take the kids to Knotts Berry Farm!

Dagny wasn't so sure about those men :-).

On the Mine ride.

Outside of Camp Snoopy

Riding the rides!

Where else to eat but the Chicken Dinner Restaurant. It was great that Aunt Patty could join us too!

Ainsley rides the chicken.

Visiting Family!!!

It was wonderful to see all of our So CA family.

Thank you to Aunt Cissy, Uncle Ed, Jimmy, Lizzie, Denny, and families for coming down to visit.

Thank you Debbie, Terry, Katherine, Ryan, Andy (and Kelly, sorry we missed you) for hosting.

Great company, great food and wonderful desert!

Dagny and Caiden enjoy the golf cart.

Ainsley and Maddison.

All of the cousins (well, Katherine and Ryan decided to sit this one out :-)

A perfect place for playing baseball.

We stopped by Aunt Cissy's for some great food and swim time!

We also got to spend some time with Jennifer and Cristina... thanks for dinner!