Monday, December 22, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Here are the girls in their dresses...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Good Morning!

Ainsley and Dagny hang out on the couch weekend mornings...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Ainsley is 2 1/2...

Little Ainsley Lee had her 2 1/2 year appointment. She is progressing beautifully!

*Ainsley is saying 3 to 4 word sentences and follows spoken English and ASL brilliantly.
*Ainsley loves jumping and running and dancing.
*She loves to say MINNOW... the class she is in at the River School.
*She loves to go to school and knows where we are going before we are even there.
*She loves to count (almost up to 20) and saying her ABCs.
*Ains has a bff at school (Violet) and the two of them get into lots of toddler trouble... the other day they were holding hands and taking turns yelling out loud.
*She loves singing the 'Signing Time' song Colors of the Rainbow... she sings all of the colors and "mommy knows the colors of the rainbow too" :-).
*Ainsley drew an almost perfect face! Little round circles for eyes, a little round circle for a nose and a wide v shape for a mouth... we were impressed :-)

No height and weight update... that will have to wait until she is 3.

STILL NO TEETH! Daddy is distraught...

7 months and counting... Our 6 month check up is a little late (now that she is over 7 months)... so here is your latest update, the major news that Dagny is still TOOTHLESS!
This is of huge concern to daddy who knows she needs teeth to go places in life.

Besides being toothless, here are some other stats...

*Dagny's head circumference is still in the 75th percentile... but we feel she is awaiting a growth spurt since she is waking up to eat every night and her height and weight dropped to the 50th and 25th percentile...
*She is sitting up like a pro!
*Dagny is cooing a lot and squeals with delight.
*Dagny has a fond attachment to mommy and no one else will do at night!
*She is starting to scoot to get items out of reach.
*She loves food, except for vegetables... well she does love sweet potatoes.
*She is great at standing and is starting to pull herself up.
*Dagny is starting to bang toys together and passing them back and forth between hands.

They did hear a little click with her hips so we'll have to follow up with that, but overall she is doing GREAT!

Dagny is such a delight! Her smiles lighten up any room :-).

Enjoy the pictures of our 7 month old.

Our young artist... Dagny experiments with color :-)

Dagny having some box time :-)... she doesn't quite understand that she needs to play with the toys in the box, not put her self in the box to play.

Ainsley's crush...

We had a fun dinner party with friends, Cecily and Mike (wonderful hosts), Cecily's parents and Chip and Stephanie. It became apparent through out the night that Ainsley has a little crush. We first noticed it at a school function a couple of weeks ago where the two would follow each other around the gym and it was only confirmed at the party :-)... the two would copy each other, follow each other and even scoot closer together! Luckily, the other boys, Wesley, Wyatt and Willem, didn't show any jealousy, but they're still young... and there is always Dagny (who we noticed was the only hearing little one in the bunch).

Enjoy the pictures -

The kids decide it would be really fun if everyone layed down on the floor.

Dagny is all smiles... as always.

Wesley, Willem, Wyatt, Ainsley, Jonah... all dancing and hanging out.

Ainsley and Jonah dancing

Friday, November 28, 2008

Gobble, Gobble!

Happy Thanksgiving! The four of us went to Chique and Popeye's house for some great food! The girls were all dressed up and enjoyed lots of grandparent time.

Ainsley refused to eat the traditional meal and had some fruit and Alfredo pasta, but Dagny, being more adventurous in the food arena tried her first mashed potatoes (wasn't so sure about it) and loved her doctored up sweet mashed potatoes.

After nap we went back to enjoy left overs and desert... Ainsley and Dagny had bath time and Ainsley had her first experience with curlers :-)!

Congratulations Robert and Marisa!

Good friends Robert and Marisa welcomed in baby Rowan Simone on Sunday November 23rd! Congratulations to all...

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Political Posturing

Over the last month we spent some time canvassing in Virginia - looks like it paid off.

Dagny took a moment from enjoying the day to indulge dad

Ainsley enjoyed herself as well

Melissa going door to door to spread the word

Off to a great start - a good judge of character

Friday, October 31, 2008

Another month gone by...

Time moves even quicker with the second one, once again we can not believe it has been now 6 months since my little one was born. Here is what is going on in Dagny's world...

*Dagny is sitting up really well.
*She is rolling over, but only sporadically.
*Dagny is reaching and grabbing and loves to splash in the bath.
*Dagny is eating twice a day and loves all food.
*She moves everywhere... we really need to keep an eye on her because she does not sit still. This little one needs to be restrained.
*She loves to giggle at her daddy and gives her sister the biggest smiles... mom is still #1, especially at night.
*Dagny is starting to recognize who is in her clan and is not so sure with strangers these days...

Dagny bouncing...


We had a wonderful time dressing up, going out Trick or Treating and having a bite of candy :-). This was the first year Karl didn't have class so he was able to enjoy the evening.

Dagny started the night a little skeptical...

Ainsley was very excited about going out - she was a fairy

Ainsley was on one speed all night - she was all over trick or treating

Dagny got into the spirit and perked up a little

Ainsley kept on going - Daddy had to jump in there

Dagny couldn't last...Ainsley is still out there walking the neighborhood

Halloween Costumes!

The two girls got all decked out in their costumes to attend a magic show in our community. Here are some pictures from the magic show and posing for the camera

Daddy and his girls at the magic show.

Dagny poses in her costume.

Ainsley poses in her costume.

Ainsley waits for the show to start.


Field trip to the farm...

Daddy and Ainsley went to Butler's Orchard on a field trip. They had a great time weathering the cold to pick pumpkins at their pumpkin patch.

Ainsley and her classmates exploring the mini house.

Ainsley hanging out with the pumpkins.

Daddy and Ainsley on the hay ride.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Playing with Pumpkins!

They are looking a little shriveled up right now, but we had a great time carving pumpkins.

Enjoy the pictures and video...

The finished product looks great!

Getting all the seeds out

Checking out the pumpkin

Ainsley pumpkin carving.

Dagny exploring the pumpkin.

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Farm...

A great fall tradition we started last year was to visit one of the local farms in the area. As you can see the girls had a great time. Enjoy the pics...

Ainsley and Savannah peaking under the table.

Dagny all tuckered out.

Love those cows!

Ainsley posing with the pumpkin.

Lunch with friends after a busy morning.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

What happened 5 months ago????

Dagny Lynn was born of course!!! No doctor appointment, just a nurses visit for some shots. We wont have official stats until her 6 month check up (which will actually be when she is 7 months). For now, here are some milestones that she is reaching...

*Dagny is cooing, giggling and squealing in delight.
*Dagny is almost sitting up by herself.
*Tummy time is still her least favorite activity.
*Dagny supports herself standing for a while when holding onto daddy or mommy.
*Rolling over appears to be a foreign concept (much like her sister).
*Drooling, drooling, drooling and still no teeth!
*She is looking for dropped objects and working to get toys that are out of reach.

... and much much more, including being a pure delight!

We have started her on rice cereal and oatmeal, and will begin fruits shortly. Enjoy the pictures and video!

Dagny playing in her play gym.

Sitting up on her own!

Eating... yum yum yum!

Daddy and his girls - 2 years apart!

Two years ago on mommys birthday daddy posed with Ainsley... this year daddy posed with Dagny :-)...

Which one is which???