Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas in the sun :-)!!!

Melissa was in heaven as she basked in the 70 degree weather of southern California. The perfect remedy for a sunsick mommy on the east coast. She was not dreaming of a white Christmas, rather a sunny Christmas :-)!!! Ainsley also enjoyed the weather as she was able to swing on the playground without freezing her nose off!

Since we forgot ALL of our cameras (we are blaming the number of items we had to bring for Ainsley), we are hoping we receive some pictures that Melissa's cousins took to add to the two pics following.

Ainsley's first time at the beach. Not a real fan of SAND. The water was too cold to try her out on that one, we'll definitely have to take her to beach this summer.

OOOPS!!! It's a GIRL (we think)...

Yes... Melissa had her 2nd ultra sound on the 27th and this set of pictures showed a girl. However, it could not be confirmed a second time because the babys legs were closed when the tech went back to it (figures!). We did get all of pics that we need and everything looks great. We may be headed back in the 3rd trimester for a 3rd ultra sound and hopefully we'll get another chance at "guess the sex of the baby"!!!

Here is another US pic of the profile...

Christmas comes early!

Before taking the 5 hour flight to the west coast to spend Christmas (which was wonderful) we had an early Christmas with family on the east coast. West coast pics will be coming shortly, but for now enjoy these...

Ainsley trying on her fuzzy hat and paws. These will help her stay warm while making her look extra cute!

Mommy and Ainsley reading one of her new books from Chique and Popeye.

We finally have some pictures of Ainsley signing. Here are mommy, daddy and eat.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Congratulations Karl!!!

On Tuesday December 11th Karl will attend his final class for his MBA! Yeah!!! He will walk in the Spring, however, they did have a reception for all of those August and December grads... pics below...


Yes, Melissa, Karl and Ainsley are expecting an addition to their family at the end of April. You can expect the same polls, questionaires and graphs put out by the dad towards the beginning of next year. In the mean time, however, enjoy the first pic of the little one... a boy, we think :-)

The baby waving for the camera...

Friday, November 30, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

As Thanksgiving rolled by, Ainsley celebrated her 18th mile marker through reaching new developmental milestones. We have no doctor stats since her 18 month check up actually won't take place until the end of December... but here are some milestones that mommy and daddy have noticed.

*She is up to 4 words in spoken English... to include bye bye (when she wants to go bye bye), uh uh uh (when she wants up up up), ball and dada (pretty consistently when she signs dada).

*She is beginning to understand one step commands in spoken Englinsh and understands roughly 15 or so words in spoken English.

*She is making a myriad of sounds which continues to diversify daily.

*Ainsley is becoming a pro at ASL using roughly 15 signs, understanding one step commands and beginning to put 2 signs together (still through immitation).

*She LOVES music and loves to dance.

*She loves running and kicking her ball (as shown below).

*Ainsley is becoming a PRO at her little temper tantrums, we especially love it when she throws her self on the floor with kicking feet and all, but she is careful not to bang her head and lowers it slowly.

*Stranger anxiety has become fierce, so Christmas in CA should be interesting :-).

*Her hair is growing SLOWLY... much slower then mommy would like.

*She LOVES her daddy to throw her around... even though mommy doesn't really like it.

*She is very opinionated!! I wonder where she gets that :-)...

Enjoy the pics and video below...

Thanksgiving was a beautiful 70+ degrees outside so we spent much of it running around the park.

Karl and Chris cut up the turkey.

Ainsley waits for dinner.

Ainsley and daddy decorate for Christmas.

Ainsley makes the rounds posing with everyone... mom and dad are first...

Aunt Stacey and Uncle Chris are next...

Chique and Popeye finish it off...

Here is a video of Ainsley running around the park and kicking the ball with daddy on Thanksgiving...

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Windy City Take 2!

When we heard that Grandma Nancy was taking a trip to Chicago we had to join in on the fun. It was great seeing Aunt Sara, Uncle Erik and Grandma Nancy... it was even cuter seeing the Ainsley and Faelyn play and get along so well. Except for an accidental bite, an accidental kick in the head and some good practice "sharing" they got along fabulously! We miss you guys already. Enjoy the pictures...

The girls LOVED the aquarium! They were definitely turtle enough :-).

Karl got some practice holding 2 at time! The girls loved being held by the same person... Ainsley did get a little jealous when Faelyn was playing with Karl. It was sooo cute!

Erik entertains the girls at dinner. He didn't realize that was a chopstick, not a toothpick :-).

The girls pose for a picture with their mommy's and grandma!

Bath time!!!

The girls get curious with George.

Grandma playing with Ainsley and Faelyn.

Video of Ainsley and Faelyn enjoying and "sharing" strawberries.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Happy Halloween!

17 month old Ainsley celebrates Halloween as a lady bug!

Our neighborhood had a party for the kids and Ainsley had a great time. See pics below...

Ainsley with mom and dad before the party.

Ainsley has fun crawling through the tube... again and again and again.

Ainsley laughing at the party... notice Karl with his cupcake in the background :-)...

Ainsley has a sweet tooth...

Showing off her wings...

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Fall Fun :-)!!!

Ainsley standing tall at 33 inches...

What would fall be without a pumkin festival. Ainsley took her mom to a pumpkin festival to enjoy some hay and pumpkin pickin'. Daddy had to stay home and study :-(

Ainsley picks her pumpkin...

Playing with hay...

Preview of our next post... trick or treat :-)...

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Congrats to the Achterfeldts...

We wanted to wish Lindsey and Derek (pictured below) congratulations. The family welcomed in baby girl, Addison, this morning.

Ainsley turns 16 months as her mommy turns 30... YIKES!!!

Ainsley and Karl suprised mom with a trip to NYC. It was a wonderful suprise and even more wonderful seeing everyone again.

Before I get into the pics of NYC here are a couple of updates on Ainsley...

*She is bigger and heavier!
*Ainsley is copying sounds and she looked up at a helicoper flying overhead the other day.
*Ainsley has become a world traveler visiting 3 different states over the last 3 weekends... pics below.
*She is still working on her 4 incisors that have been coming in for ages. I believe we have 1 down and 4 to go.
*Ainsley was great on the plane. She would sign lights on, lights off until we turned the overhead lights on and off.
*She loves going outside and gets mad if she has to come in when she is not ready.

*Mom is doing well adjusting to her old age :-)

Enjoy the pics...

Ainsley strolling around NYC.

Aunt Jordi showing Ainsley the seals at the Central Park Zoo.

Daddy plays with Ainsley in the zoo.

Already showing us that Uncle Larry's jibber jabber hurts her head :-).

Everyone at TAO for dinner. She loved the fish.

Ainsley demanded to go to Alices Tea Cup for breakfast (the last time she was there she was inutero) :-). The scones and chai tea were divine!

* Thank you Christen, Courtney, Charles Paul, Larry, Karen, Jordi, Karl and Ainsley for making mommy's birthday so special!!

Ainsley visits the desert...

As Ainsley approaches 16 months we decided to take a trip to help Lindsey celebrate some big firsts in her life...

1st #1 - Her 1st baby is around the corner and a baby shower afternoon tea style was the only way to go!

1st #1 - Lindsey turns 30!!!! It was great to go out there to help her celebrate.

Enjoy the pics...

Lindsey treats the soon to be 30 year old to Pedicures... Thank you Linds :-)

Mommy and Ainsley before the shower.

The girls enjoy some tea. I especially love the hats!

Lindsey at her shower.

Derek and Lindsey hangin out before the party.

A tuckered out Ainsley sleeps on daddys lap. She held up great!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Kisses for everyone...

Grandpa Joe and Grandma Norma had a conference in Hershey Pennsylvania so we decided to drive up to see them. Ainsley had a great time in Hershey and a great time with her grandparents.

Enjoy the pics...

Ainsley loves Pepermint Patie.

Ainsley and mommy on a train ride.

Dadddy takes Ainsley on a more vigerous car ride (which she enjoys much more then the boring train).

In tribute to Sam (Ainsley's cousin)... she too loves Ketchup.

Grandpa Joe, Grandma Norma, Ainsley and Karl outside the hotel.