Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Baby Shower and Other Things

So, the time is almost upon us for a baby so there are some important things to discuss. When is this baby coming out and how much is she going to weigh? Also, what the heck are we going to name this baby? That's where you come in.

The official date of delivery is forecasted to be May 30th. Please leave a comment, or send an e-mail directly to one of us, with your guess of date and weight. The winner(s) will get a prize to be determined by us at a later date.

Karl's guess: May 20th, 6lbs, 7.5 ounces
Melissa's guess: June 2nd, 7lbs, 2 ounces

Also, you, yes YOU, get to help us pick the name. That's not actually true, but I want you all to feel a part of things so play along. We'll post the results in a few weeks. Please no additions to the list......I'm not naming my daughter Larri, Larina or Mitchy so don't even think about it Larry.

The top 3 are...
  • Dagny
  • Ainsley
  • Zoe
Choose carefully.

Below are some photos from the baby shower we had on April 9th. Also, there are some shots of Melissa and I taken by the wonderful person, Sara, who organized the shower. Enjoy! Please leave a comment - we enjoy reading them.


Some Guests

"This is my belly"

Cute Outfit

Melissa touching my bump....hilarious

Melissa getting help from our friends daughter Chloe

Our friend Travis and his son Ori

More Gifts!

Fun With String

"I'm so sorry I Did This To You..."