Saturday, March 07, 2009

We've reached double digits!

Dagny is 10 months old! We are amazed that time has gone by so quickly. Here are some recent updates on what she is up to.

*Dagny is starting to cruise and practices her balance letting go for a bit and taking steps when we hold on to her hands.
*Dagny loves table food, especially the few carbs she has been able to get a hold of.
*She is banging objects together, looking for hidden objects and putting most everything she can get a hold of in her mouth.
*We've started her on a sippy cup, but right now she enjoys chewing on it more then just drinking from it.
*She is making lots of noises and some babbling, we are taking bets for what her first word will be.
*Dagny is doing a lot of expression with her hands, but not signing yet... we're hoping soon.

Enjoy the video...

Playing with Legos.

Taking a few steps.

Hanging out at the table.

Trying desperately to get through the gate!

YES!! I made it!!


Anonymous said...

the girls are so cute and it's sweet how ainsely was trying to help dagny walk. almost makes me want a kid but who are we kidding- not in this lifetime! hope you all are well. can't believe how big they are. -aunt katie

Harry Potter said...

Looks like she's got a good big-sister helper!