Monday, July 14, 2008

Ainsley is 2!

A little late, yes, but Ainsley passed her 2 year appointment with flying colors. For the 1st time she was weighed using a regular scale and was measured standing up (due to this Karl thinks she measured a little short since her head was bent over a little). She had a stack of paperwork for the doctor to fill out. We are hoping she doesn't need a TB shot and have postponed her Hep A vaccine due to a slightly raised temperature.

Here are her stats...

*Her height is 34 1/4 inches, the 75th percentile.
*Ainsley now weighs 27.8 lbs, the 50th - 75th percentile.
*Her head circumference is 19 1/4 inches the 75th percentile.
*She is your average toddler bringing with her an array of finicky eating, temper tantrums and an opposition to sleeping.
*She is your average toddler bringing with her so much joy and pride when she accomplishes something, so much excitement for the world and everything in it and so much love for the people and animals around her!

Enjoy the videos...
Ainsley and Faelyn enjoying some fun at breakfast.

Ainsley loving the beach...finally!

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