Friday, November 30, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

As Thanksgiving rolled by, Ainsley celebrated her 18th mile marker through reaching new developmental milestones. We have no doctor stats since her 18 month check up actually won't take place until the end of December... but here are some milestones that mommy and daddy have noticed.

*She is up to 4 words in spoken English... to include bye bye (when she wants to go bye bye), uh uh uh (when she wants up up up), ball and dada (pretty consistently when she signs dada).

*She is beginning to understand one step commands in spoken Englinsh and understands roughly 15 or so words in spoken English.

*She is making a myriad of sounds which continues to diversify daily.

*Ainsley is becoming a pro at ASL using roughly 15 signs, understanding one step commands and beginning to put 2 signs together (still through immitation).

*She LOVES music and loves to dance.

*She loves running and kicking her ball (as shown below).

*Ainsley is becoming a PRO at her little temper tantrums, we especially love it when she throws her self on the floor with kicking feet and all, but she is careful not to bang her head and lowers it slowly.

*Stranger anxiety has become fierce, so Christmas in CA should be interesting :-).

*Her hair is growing SLOWLY... much slower then mommy would like.

*She LOVES her daddy to throw her around... even though mommy doesn't really like it.

*She is very opinionated!! I wonder where she gets that :-)...

Enjoy the pics and video below...

Thanksgiving was a beautiful 70+ degrees outside so we spent much of it running around the park.

Karl and Chris cut up the turkey.

Ainsley waits for dinner.

Ainsley and daddy decorate for Christmas.

Ainsley makes the rounds posing with everyone... mom and dad are first...

Aunt Stacey and Uncle Chris are next...

Chique and Popeye finish it off...

Here is a video of Ainsley running around the park and kicking the ball with daddy on Thanksgiving...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is Ainsley left-footed?