Sunday, January 28, 2007

8 months, can you believe it!

On January 29th Ainsley reached 8 months, and as her parents we can't believe it! This last month was quite eventful...

*We had our first appointment at JH for the cochlear implant. We have the opportunity to participate in research at JH and give her simultaneous bilateral implantation... fancy words for doing both ears at the same time :-). We have 8 or so appointments to complete before we can set a surgery date so we will fill you in as we go along. Luckily we completed a few appointments last summer so we are ahead of schedule. However, one of the appointment is a Psych consult and Karl is fretting over a possible Rorshchach test :-).

* She gained almost 2lbs last month and needless to say, the doctor was quite happy.

* She has rolled over and does so maybe once a day, however, she really has little interest in doing so. At least we know she can do it.

* Ainsley started clapping and banging toys together! She'll even copy us once in a while.

* She gets food 3 times a day... along with rice chex, wagon wheels and teething biscuts...

* We are working on the sippy cup :-)! She loves her prune and pear juices.

* Ainsley goes on all 4s and rocks back and forth, she'll lunge forward for a toy and tries to pull her knees up under her. We think crawling will occur this month or she'll skip it and start cruising??? We are planning to play the wonderful video of Faelyn crawling to show her how it's done :-).

* She plays with her vocal tones and uses some vowel/connsonant sounds.

* She has forgotten how to sleep through the night.

* She laughs a lot :-)! She is a very happy baby.

* She isn't using signs yet, however we think she understands, "more", "milk", "eat" and "bath"... maybe???

* She is getting more teeth, one has broken through, a top front tooth.

We miss you all.

Ainsley wearing daddy's hat :-)

Isn't she a doll!

Gettin' excited...

First trip on the Metro.

Ainsley in her Notre Dame shirt :-).

And now the patient, they may take a little time to load but of course they are worth it.

Ainsley having some good play time!

Ainsley eating some Chex - Does it strike anyone else as odd that most of the videos revolve about her eating?


Anonymous said...

I cannot believe how time flies! She is so awesome! And that rocking lunging thing is totally the first sign that soon, you too will need to gate off everything! Go Ainsley! Good job and thanks for the inspiration - I never thought of rice chex! XO

Anonymous said...

I cannot wait until our girls can meet "again." so adorable.
