Tuesday, April 12, 2011


In late March we had a chance to go down to Florida for the week and had a great time swimming, hanging out at the beach and doing nothing at all. We can't wait to go back.

At the Anna Maria Pier

One of many beautiful sunsets

Ainsley beginning her sand castle

Dagny catches up her reading...note - Wizards and Glass

Dagny loves her ice-cream

The girls practice their scales

Took some time to visit with Nanny...the girls loved the time

The girls enjoy their beach time

Ainsley and Dagny strike to pose

Ainsley & Dagny play at the beach

Ainsley & Dagny practice their jumping into the pool (Ainsley can swim all the way across!)

1 comment:

Christin Melone said...

Looks like you guys had a blast in Florida! So jealous of that sand & sunshine. Love you, Christin