Sunday, April 24, 2011

Ainsley Performs

The Bobcats performed at the most recent Community Meeting at school!

The Frogs Perform

Melissa's class also performed for the Community Meeting.

Introducing the Frogs as the NEW SEEDS ON THE BLOCK!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Dagny starts ballet

Dagny started her first ballet class - below is a short video of some of her class.

Sweep the Leg

Ainsley attended a birthday party at a tae kwon do school and she now is ready to paint the fence and sand the floor.

Some videos of Ainsley

You're a cream puff Johnny

Fear does not exist in this dojo, does it?


In late March we had a chance to go down to Florida for the week and had a great time swimming, hanging out at the beach and doing nothing at all. We can't wait to go back.

At the Anna Maria Pier

One of many beautiful sunsets

Ainsley beginning her sand castle

Dagny catches up her reading...note - Wizards and Glass

Dagny loves her ice-cream

The girls practice their scales

Took some time to visit with Nanny...the girls loved the time

The girls enjoy their beach time

Ainsley and Dagny strike to pose

Ainsley & Dagny play at the beach

Ainsley & Dagny practice their jumping into the pool (Ainsley can swim all the way across!)

Melissa takes a big step and donates her hair

Melissa donated to Locks of Love a few weeks ago - we are so proud of her.



Lets review the tape