Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter 2008!

A New Meck Down-Under.
Congratulations go out to Steve, Joanna and Samantha Meck on the arrival of their new addition Elsa Mary.

Ainsley had a fun filled Easter holiday, egg hunt and basket included of course...

Ainsley and mommy...

Ainsley loves the bunny that the Easter Bunny brought her... its green :-)!

Ainsley gets very excited hunting for eggs.

Popeye and Ainsley read a book before heading to Easter Brunch.

Ainsley and Chique enjoy Easter Brunch.


Chris and Stacey said...

Oh she gets more precious every day. Can't wait to see you guys soon, as well as the brand new little one. Love you sis

Anonymous said...

How did we ever live without her?

Harry Potter said...

Thanks Melissa, Karl and Ainsley. Looks like you guys had a great Easter. How do you get Ainsley to wear (and keep) clips in her hair??

Sara said...

That smile!!!! Oh my goodness. You all are sweet... we miss you so much! Chiqui and Popeye too!!! XO

Sparkles1 said...

Melissa, I have been thinking about you and ran across your blog. It is so good to see how Ainsley is growing up. Pleaes get in contact with me at or I look forward hearing from you and what is happening with you guys. Jeanette