Saturday, September 01, 2007

15 months... a Labor Day of fun!

Some recent stats...

* Ainsley is 31.75 inches
* Ainsley weighs 22.5 pounds
* She recieved her MMR, Chicken Pox, Hep B and Polio shots at the doctor, we are hoping that is the last of them for a while.
* We are considering weaning her off the bottle per doctor's orders.
* She LOVES cheese... mac and cheese, grilled cheese, cottage cheese... et cetera...
* She is signing more, bath, food, milk, want consistently.
* She is babbling many consonant/vowel sounds, is beginning to copy sounds, knows her name and we are working on one step commands with out gestures.
* School starts back for her soon, she'll be getting services from MSD, MCPS, Kendall (aka Gallaudet), and of course we will continue to make our weekly trip to Hopkins.

We have been able to spend lots of time enjoying with beautiful weather with friends. Enjoy the pictures.

Earlier in the summer we had some friends visit us!

Karl holding Lucy and Ainsley

Melissa and Lucy with Andrea and Ainsley

We went to the Montgomery County Fair with some friends. We had a great time and Ainsley loved the rides.

Here is Sara and Karl holding Ori and Ains in their Fire Hats!

Karl with Ainsley and Chloe

Ainsley's first ferris wheel ride with Travis, Ori and mom (Dad wasn't interested in going, something about heights :-).

We went down to Old Town to visit and play in the park. Here is Scotia, Krista, Karl and Ainsley on the teeter totter...

We ended our summer fun meeting some friends at Mt. Vernon.

Dad, Ainsley, Chip and Wesley playing on the grounds (Many others not pictured).

Mom and Ains in front of the house.


Anonymous said...

I'm so excited that her signs are so consistent. that has to be so cool as a parent to have specific communication already!!! What an awesome experience. hugs, Aunt Jordi

Anonymous said...

You guys had a busy summer! I'm so excited about her signs! She had defintely increased just in the past few weeks. That is awesome and I'm so proud of my little niece. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Looks like so much fun! I am so happy for Ains... and her Momma and Daddy. What a wonderful update. I seriously cannot wait to see you guys!