Monday, December 22, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Here are the girls in their dresses...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Good Morning!

Ainsley and Dagny hang out on the couch weekend mornings...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Ainsley is 2 1/2...

Little Ainsley Lee had her 2 1/2 year appointment. She is progressing beautifully!

*Ainsley is saying 3 to 4 word sentences and follows spoken English and ASL brilliantly.
*Ainsley loves jumping and running and dancing.
*She loves to say MINNOW... the class she is in at the River School.
*She loves to go to school and knows where we are going before we are even there.
*She loves to count (almost up to 20) and saying her ABCs.
*Ains has a bff at school (Violet) and the two of them get into lots of toddler trouble... the other day they were holding hands and taking turns yelling out loud.
*She loves singing the 'Signing Time' song Colors of the Rainbow... she sings all of the colors and "mommy knows the colors of the rainbow too" :-).
*Ainsley drew an almost perfect face! Little round circles for eyes, a little round circle for a nose and a wide v shape for a mouth... we were impressed :-)

No height and weight update... that will have to wait until she is 3.

STILL NO TEETH! Daddy is distraught...

7 months and counting... Our 6 month check up is a little late (now that she is over 7 months)... so here is your latest update, the major news that Dagny is still TOOTHLESS!
This is of huge concern to daddy who knows she needs teeth to go places in life.

Besides being toothless, here are some other stats...

*Dagny's head circumference is still in the 75th percentile... but we feel she is awaiting a growth spurt since she is waking up to eat every night and her height and weight dropped to the 50th and 25th percentile...
*She is sitting up like a pro!
*Dagny is cooing a lot and squeals with delight.
*Dagny has a fond attachment to mommy and no one else will do at night!
*She is starting to scoot to get items out of reach.
*She loves food, except for vegetables... well she does love sweet potatoes.
*She is great at standing and is starting to pull herself up.
*Dagny is starting to bang toys together and passing them back and forth between hands.

They did hear a little click with her hips so we'll have to follow up with that, but overall she is doing GREAT!

Dagny is such a delight! Her smiles lighten up any room :-).

Enjoy the pictures of our 7 month old.

Our young artist... Dagny experiments with color :-)

Dagny having some box time :-)... she doesn't quite understand that she needs to play with the toys in the box, not put her self in the box to play.

Ainsley's crush...

We had a fun dinner party with friends, Cecily and Mike (wonderful hosts), Cecily's parents and Chip and Stephanie. It became apparent through out the night that Ainsley has a little crush. We first noticed it at a school function a couple of weeks ago where the two would follow each other around the gym and it was only confirmed at the party :-)... the two would copy each other, follow each other and even scoot closer together! Luckily, the other boys, Wesley, Wyatt and Willem, didn't show any jealousy, but they're still young... and there is always Dagny (who we noticed was the only hearing little one in the bunch).

Enjoy the pictures -

The kids decide it would be really fun if everyone layed down on the floor.

Dagny is all smiles... as always.

Wesley, Willem, Wyatt, Ainsley, Jonah... all dancing and hanging out.

Ainsley and Jonah dancing