Wednesday, August 20, 2008

We missed Obama!

OK... the plan all along was to trek out to Denver to see the new arrival, spend time with family, and also work around Melissa's teaching schedule (taking time off the first week of school is usually frowned upon). Though it would have been great to see Obama and attend the convention, arriving as all the people were leaving Denver did add to the ease of our trip.

Enjoy the pics...

Grandpa Joe and Grandma Norma also made it out at the same time so they got a bonus, 3 grand kids for the price of 1!

Aunt Melissa holds Caiden

Melissa and Stacey and their families... (we wish Hunter and Adam could have been there)

Uncle Mike holding Dagny, Stacey and Caiden and Chris.

We also got to see Grandma Nancy, she brought lovely color paper that Ainsley had fun with (I think there was a gift in there too :-).

Grandpa Dennis and Jerry got to meet the kids and have a nice breakfast with us.

Uncle Martin teaching Ainsley the proper way to have a temper tantrum. Aunt Katie was also around, but for some reason she always is behind the camera instead of in the pictures!

Our flight was delayed so we had some down time at the airport to hang out.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


On August 19, 2008, shortly after 1AM in the morning, Aunt Stacey and Uncle Chris welcomed in their new little one. Caiden Christopher Dreier was 7lbs, 14.5ozs and 21 3/4s long. Cousins Ainsley and Dagny can't wait to meet this little cutie!

Monday, August 11, 2008

The County Fair!

We returned again this year to the county fair! Ainsley wasn't so sure about the rides, but LOVED the animals. She also had her first pony ride. Dagny was a real trouper, sleeping, eating and looking around.

Enjoy the pics.

Daddy walking Ainsley on the pony.

Ainsley and mommy on a car ride.

Pony Ride Video

3 months and counting...

Dagny reached three months on August 5th. Though we don't have specific stats, here are some updates.

*She is reaching and grabbing at her feet (they'll go to her mouth next :-).
*She is drooling all over the place, telling mommy and daddy that teeth are around the corner.
*She loves to smile and giggle, especially at her mom.
*We are about to move to size 2 diapers.
*She loves her swing, it is a great place for her naps.
*She has been sleeping through the night for a while now! Mommy is happy :-)...

Enjoy the pics...

Tummy Time!

Daddy and Dagny

Mommy, Dagny and Daddy

Dagny in her Bumbo chair

Ainsley pushing Dagny in her swing.

Tummy Time