On Memorial Day weekend we celebrated Ainsley turning 2! Here are some pictures from her birthday. We will have more updates when we go to her 2 year appointment in July.
We want to wish a Happy Mothers Day to all the wonderful moms we know... Our mothers day was slightly chaotic with Karl's graduation, a toddler and an infant thrown into the mix, but we did have a great time and Chiqui prepared a great lunch for us all!
Enjoy the pics, some from Mommy's day, some others...
Chiqui, mommy and the two girls. Ainsley checks out her sister...
Daddy and Popeye play with Ainsley and bubbles, which she loves.
Karl finished his course work in December, but officially walked across the stage on Mothers Day.
On the bleachers trying to find Karl.
Daddy showing off his hood holding Ainsley who was a real trouper through the whole event.
All 4 of us...
***The day was so crazy these are pretty much the only pics we were able to get. Grandma Nancy did get some pictures of the ceremony and Kurt was able to get some video when not occupying the toddler.
As Ainsley approaches 2, she is becoming quite the little girl! Here are some updates on what our first little one is up to...
*She now has too many words to count and too many signs to count. We are working on 2 and 3 word sentences in both ASL and spoken English.
*She still LOVES her signing time and has a favorite one - Leah's Farm - which she requests on a regular basis.
*She runs, jumps and is on her way to becoming a star soccer player.
*Ainlsey's favorite color and word is Purple.
*She is definitely a daddy's girl!
*Now that the weather is getting warmer she loves going on walks in the evening to the swing or the market area where she can run around, kick the ball and have ice cream... mmmmm...
*Ainsley loves doing summersaults, jumping and playing on the bed and at gym class.
*She is slightly daunted by the new addition but loves to help change Dagny's diaper and give her kisses.
Enjoy the videos...
Ainsley got a new stroller to walk her baby around just like mom.
Ainsley practices her jumping... mom gets a little excited encouraging her daughter :-).
A little later then predicted with more drama then her sister, Dagny Lynn Schnitger was born on May 5, 2008 at 9:50 PM weighing 8lbs, 8 ozs and 20 inches in length.
Enjoy the pictures...
All squished up.
Daddy and Dagny.
Mommy and baby.
Ainsley checks out her little sister.
Chiqui and Dagny.
Grandma Nancy even came all the way from Colorado to visit!
Friend Brian stopped by to offer his congrats. Dagny has warmed up to him more so then Ainsley (Ains is a little shy).